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Trusted Legal Council since 1936
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Don't give up your rights!
Get up, Stand up! Do you know what you should not give up? Your rights. The Bill of Rights under the Constitution of the United States of...

Justice: Does the Dialectical Process of Law Work?
The philosopher Hegel theorized a dialectical process: a thesis is proposed, an anti-thesis is presented, and the collision of the two...

Got will? Testamentary trusts . . .
The testamentary trust is a trust created by a will which takes effect only upon the death of the person who made the will, also known as...

Got will? Posthumous pachinko . . .
Pachinko was a popular game wherein you launched a ball bearing through a vertical board covered with pins and pockets in order to gain...

Got will? A quick lesson on gifts . . .
Did you know that there are different types of bequests that you can make to your heirs in your will? It's true. Specific bequests are...

Got will? Paying the just and legal debts of your estate . . .
A will should include directions to your Executor, the person you nominate to execute the provisions of your will, to pay your "just and...

Got will? "It was the salmon mousse . . ."
Got a will? "A will is an instrument by which a person makes a disposition of his real and personal property, to take effect after his...

What Songs Need a Good Criminal Defense?
These are my picks. What are yours? 10. Midnight Rider, on Idlewild South album, 1970, by The Allman Brothers Band; 9. Renegade, on...
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