Trusted Legal Council since 1936
I need help with:

Including misdemeanor, felony defense, and death penalty/capital cases
Whether a minor misdemeanor speeding ticket, a simple misdemeanor, a felony charge, or a death penalty case, I can help you.
The anatomy of a criminal case includes both the substantive law and the procedural law related to vetting the charges.
A criminal charge has three parts: the mens rea, or culpable mental state; the actus reus, or the "evil act"; and the attendant circumstances.....
Including misdemeanor, felony defense, and death penalty/capital cases
Whether a minor misdemeanor speeding ticket, a simple misdemeanor, a felony charge, or a death penalty case, I can help you.
The anatomy of a criminal case includes both the substantive law and the procedural law related to vetting the charges.
A criminal charge has three parts: the mens rea, or culpable mental state; the actus reus, or the "evil act"; and the attendant circumstances.....
Including misdemeanor, felony defense, and death penalty/capital cases
Whether a minor misdemeanor speeding ticket, a simple misdemeanor, a felony charge, or a death penalty case, I can help you.
The anatomy of a criminal case includes both the substantive law and the procedural law related to vetting the charges.
A criminal charge has three parts: the mens rea, or culpable mental state; the actus reus, or the "evil act"; and the attendant circumstances.....
Whether a minor misdemeanor speeding ticket, a simple misdemeanor, a felony charge, or a death penalty case, I can help you.
The anatomy of a criminal case includes both the substantive law and the procedural law related to vetting the charges.
A criminal charge has three parts: the mens rea, or culpable mental state; the actus reus, or the "evil act"; and the attendant circumstances.....
Including misdemeanor, felony defense, and death penalty/capital cases
Marriages, Civil Unions, Domestice Partnerships & Divorce
Family law encompasses a broad range of legal topics involving marriage and children. Common family law subjects include divorce or annulment, child custody and visitation rights, child support payments, and spousal support / alimony. Family law specifically deals with children in regards to adoption, guardianship, and state child protection, and domestic violence and restraining orders for adults.
Most likely you will have questions, such as....
The acronyms DUI, DWI, OMVI and OVI all refer to the same thing: operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
The most commonly used terms are DUI, an acronym for Driving Under the Influence, and DWI, an acronym for Driving While Impaired. However, Ohio law no longer uses the DUI and DWI acronyms because, in 1982, Ohio enacted a law that refers to driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs as “OMVI,” an acronym for Operating a Motor Vehicle Impaired.
Estate Management, Property Management, Mortgages
Understanding the Differences Between a Will and a Trust
Everyone has heard the terms "will" and "trust," but not everyone knows the differences between the two. Both are useful estate planning devices that serve different purposes, and both can work together to create a complete estate plan.
One main difference between a will and a trust is that a will goes into effect only after you die, while a trust takes effect as soon as you create it....
Guardian Ad Litem, Custody Matters,
Misdemeanor and Felony Defense, Probate
Juvenile Law is an area of the law that deals with the actions and well-being of persons who are not yet adults.
In the law a juvenile is defined as a person who is not old enough to be held responsible for criminal acts. In most states andon the federal level, this age threshold is set at 18 years. In Wyoming a juvenile is a person under the age of 19. In some states a juvenile is a person under the age of 17, and in Connecticut, New York, and North Carolina, a juvenile is a personunder the age of 16. These age definitions are significant because they determine whether a young person accused ofcriminal conduct will be charged with a crime in adult court or will be required to appear in juvenile court.